It happens all the time.  Out of nowhere, a small business comes up with a product or service that sweeps the nation by surprise.  Being small doesn’t mean you can’t be big with your ideas.  In fact, there’s no stopping your business from doing the same thing. 

One resource you probably need to really make an idea go big is a good staff or peole you can outsource tasks to. As long as everyone is willing to pitch in and work together, you can accomplish anything.

When your business has a big goal to reach, everyone who supports you has to do their part to help accomplish the goal.  You can think of the business’ goal as the long term goal, and you can further break that goal down into pieces.  Each person will be assigned a piece of that big goal.  When each person accomplishes their small goal, the big goal will be realized.

For the best chance of success, do this goal setting as a team.  Each person should know who is responsible for the other parts of the goal.  When everyone knows what is going on and how the project is shaping up, they can work on their piece of the project more efficiently. You can help your employees or contractors reach their portion of the goal by keeping them motivated, productive, and positive.

Some ways to keep your helpers include rewarding them when they have accomplished a mini-goal, keeping them stimulated and challenged by assigning new tasks and projects.

When your helpers are motivated, they are naturally more productive.  Assigning them goals in the first place also helps out on this.  If you have ever been someone’s assistant, you know how much more productive you can be when you fully understand the assignment you have been given. 

A positive work environment will definitely help others reach their goals.  As their leader, your attitude affects everyone’s attitudes.  When you are stressed out and angry, it can bring the whole workplace down.  On the other hand, when you are upbeat and energized, other people will feel it and become that way, too.  Attitudes are very contagious, so it is better to spread good ones than bad ones.

A small business can achieve many things.  By working together with others, your small business can accomplish many big things.