A Ministry for Everyday Women

When your life's demands meet your life's challenges, where do you turn? Developing a life that is directed and designed according to God's will is living life more abundantly!  Women of Virtue is answering the call that God has sent forth to all women regardless of marital status, race or class.


Proverbs 31:10-31 outlines the life of a virtuous woman

This scripture lays the foundation of this non-profit organization.  This organization is designed to empower women through the word of God to establish them as women of virtue at home, in church, in our community, in ministry and in business

To each God has given a measure of faith according to their abilities.  Our job as stewards, is to multiply, or put to work that faith by using our abilities and strengths to there fullest God given potential.  For some that may mean being the best stay and home mother you can be and to others that will be managing a multi million dollar empire.  Regardless of your calling is, you will held accountable for your fruits according to word of God.  At our women of virtue meetings we have members that have small businesses, home-based businesses, ideas for entrepreneurship and others with goals to just accomplish more in life.  No matter where you are in the process of achieving more, God wants us to answer the call of being a Proverbs 31 Women of Virtue.  Our communities here in Central Florida and America at large needs to see Gods example of a Christian Woman, a woman of strength, a woman of power, a woman of faith, a woman of virtue.


Daily "Motivation for Moms" is designed to encourage mothers to instill the values of God in their children. Readers will be inspired daily to reach deeper into the lives of their children with motivational tips like these:

  • Encourage your children to focus on their inner being, which is of great price in the sight of God.
  • Make it known to your children that you are not conformed to this world; teach them to enjoy the fact that your family is different.
  • Enlighten your children to the world around them by supporting missions and teaching them that there is a world both hungry for food and hungry for God. Pray that they will have a heart for missions.


Tip#1:  Set standards for your children as you teach them the importance of modest dress. They should represent themselves as holy and acceptable unto God.

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 Submit your prayer request online by clicking on the above icon. 

Philippians 4:6
In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

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