Our mission is to provide an environment of support for women who aspire to become a woman of virtue as Proverbs 31 states.  We encourage women to be better wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, business owners, career women, community volunteers and above all effective members in the body of Christ according to the Word of God.  We are a group of believers whose goal is to fulfill Gods destiny for our lives by first discovering our God given talents and then maximizing them to their fullest potential.  We reach out to other women and encourage them through prayer, bible study, fellowship and community outreaches.  This organization is designed to empower women from all walks of life through the word of God to establish them as women of virtue (i.e. strength, boldness, and power) at home, at work, in church, in our community, in ministry and in business.


Loreen E. John

Women of Virtue is an idea God gave to me in 2007, during a very difficult time in my life.  I am excited to see how God has formed this organization as a result of my personal desire to be a woman of virtue.  To see how God has gathered this group of women and the growth that is being done in them is astounding.  I’m excited to see where He takes us as we develop, learn, pray and grow stronger and stronger from meeting to meeting. I constantly remind myself that this organizations is a God lead and God inspired idea and He is in total control of its development.  I'm honored to have meet such wonderful and powerful women of virtue this organization is comprised of.  And with the help, imput and support of women all over central florida I know the sky is the limit on the impact this organzation will have on florida, united states and the world abroad.


Everything you will ever accomplish in life will be done through the lives of other people. I believe God puts people in our lives for a reason. Learning to get things done through and with others is absolutely essential to your happiness and success in life. I have an extreme passion for helping and impacting other people's life through empowering them to "Imagine More" and incorporating activities that will help them reach and achieve all of their dreams…dreams of success, freedom, health, happiness, wellness and spiritual growth. I strive to encourage and challenge everyone I meet to think and dream bigger than where they are now. Also, to surround themselves with positive thoughts and people, and go out and start living your dreams and become the person God has called you to be. I'm a real estate agent, small business owner and community volunteer with a heart for helping others.  With a combination with all of these interests I try to use my passions and abilities to fulfill my life calling. Life is short I believe we should enjoy it, spread the love of Jesus and help as many people as we can do the same along the way.


Loreen John

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