Once a month women from all walks of life with different backgrounds gather to share, learn and develop their walk with Christ.  These Virtue Meetings are designed to equip each woman with the word of God, challenging them by making them aware of there God given skills and abilities, encourage them to apply there talents and gifts, while allowing them to fellowship and build accountability. At each meeting the women also discuss and share their ideas, views, concerns, challenges, and triumphs as women.  

 In this environment each member has a safe, non-intimidating, platform in which they can share their goals, visions, and businesses ideas.  Each meeting there is a business or talent that is showcased by a woman of virtue member. As a group we provide support to that presenter to motivate them to continue using there gifts and abilities.  Through the word of God we find the answers to the life problems we encounter as women.  Our bible studies are all geared to topics that will strengthen us all as woman of virtue.  At the end of each meeting we have an activity where we learn more about ourselves and discover our untapped abilities and gives as children of God.

Each event is by registration only, if you’re interested in becoming a member of Women of Virtue or just attending the next Women of Virtue Meeting please, Click on the registration  register for the next event.  We would love to have you there!


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